SIRIUS - WP3 Findings - Policy Barriers and Enablers


WP3 Report details the findings of the third SIRIUS work package, focusing on migrant labour market integration (MLI) policies and services. The objectives of migrant labour market integration (hereinafter MLI) policies are 1) helping migrants to overcome handicaps and skill deficits to better succeed in host country labour markets 2) better matching migrants’ characteristics to employer needs by, for example, training them or guiding them to labour shortage occupations. Our report covers policies in the SIRIUS partner countries, namely the Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, and thus we present a wide variety of different national contexts. In addition, we also detail European Union specific policies and programmes.

The research of thiswork package was divided into two main tasks which are a) policy discourse analysis and b) assessment of existing policies and their outcomes. A policy discourse analysis was conducted by the SIRIUS national teams, to identify and analyse how issues of labour market integration are discussed by policy-makers and policy actors. By analysing the findings of the discourse analysis together with the assessment of policies, which forms the second part of the work package, we evaluate the consistency between policy rhetoric and policy goals. The second part of the work package consists of a policy assessment in which the barriers to labour market integration and existing policies to remedy them are identified, categorised and evaluated. This was performed using a meta-analysis of the existing national literatures, and interviews with policy experts, implementers, and beneficiaries of MLI policies. 

If you want to know more about the WP3 findings and download the full report please visit here.

